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When it’s determined your pet can no longer maintain an acceptable quality of life, you’ll have to make a difficult decision: one made with careful consideration and love. We’ll consider it our privilege to help you explore your options and help your beloved pet leave this earth with dignity, without pain, and surrounded by those they love and who love them.  


When the time comes, we’ll begin with sedation that allows your pet to become calm and fall into a “twilight-like” sleep. The initial sedative will be given via a small injection in the muscle. Then, over the next 5-10 minutes, your pet will become more relaxed and sleepy, with you right by their side the entire time. 


After your pet is in a twilight-like sleep, we’ll identify a vein and administer the euthanasia solution intravenously. In very compromised animals, this can sometimes take a few attempts, but your pet won’t be aware of anything while under the initial sedative’s effect. As the euthanasia solution is given, your pet will drift deeper and deeper into sleep, much like if they were undergoing general anesthesia, until their heart stops and they are at peace. Your beloved pet will feel no pain and experience no stress.

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